What Is a Tibetan Singing Bowl?
A Tibetan singing bowl is a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played. Also known as singing bowls or Himalayan bowls, Tibetan singing bowls are said to promote relaxation and offer powerful healing properties.
Buddhist monks have long used Tibetan singing bowls in meditation practice. In addition, some wellness practitioners (including music therapists, massage therapists, and yoga therapists) use Tibetan singing bowls during treatment.
History of Tibetan Singing Bowls
Tibetan singing bowl may have originated in Tibet, China sometime around the 16th century BC. Traditional bowls were made of a variety of metals including mercury, lead, silver, iron, gold, and copper.
During the 1970s, people began importing the bowls to North America and Europe. They grew in popularity in the 1990s as a complementary and alternative treatment for a variety of ailments.
Tibetan signing bowls have a history that dates back thousands of years, but they only became popular in the U.S. starting in the 1970s.
Uses for Tibetan Singing Bowls
Very few scientific studies have examined the potential benefits of Tibetan singing bowls, despite their long history of use. But some people do report that using the bowls help them feel more relaxed.
Uses for singing bowl therapy include:
- Stress relief: Some research supports the use of Tibetan singing bowls as a way to promote relaxation and reduce feelings of anxiety.1
- Improving sleep: Because singing bowl therapy has been linked to decreased anxiety and tension, it may be helpful for improving sleep. Further research is needed to support this.
- Lowering blood pressure: A preliminary study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion in 2014 examined the benefits of starting a directed relaxation session with 12 minutes of singing bowl sounds. It found a greater reduction in systolic blood pressure and heart rate compared to silence before the session.2
- Reducing depression: One study linked singing bowl therapy to improvements in mood and suggested that this approach may be a low-cost way to help reduce symptoms of depression.1
- Stimulating the immune system: Some also claim that Tibetan singing bowls can stimulate the immune system and produce beneficial changes in brain waves.
- Pain relief: One study looking at chronic spinal pain found that people treated with singing bowl therapy experienced significantly decreased pain intensity as well as decreased stress.3 However, placebo treatment had the same effects, so the study's authors concluded that singing bowl therapy's effectiveness for pain relief could not be confirmed.
- Balancing and harmonizing the body: Many proponents claim that the vibrations of a singing bowl can produce beneficial changes in the body by "harmonizing" the cells and "balancing the body's energy system."
- Enhancing other healing practices: Some people use the bowls in combination with other healing practices, such as meditation and deep breathing.
Impact of Tibetan Singing Bowls
A few different theories have been proposed to explain why Tibetan singing bowls might be beneficial. Such theories suggest that:
- The vibrations that the bowls produce may affect the mind and body.
- The sounds the bowls create may impact brain waves in order to induce relaxation.
- They may induce the same psychological effects and benefits as listening to music.
The benefits of listening to the bowls may be related to the ancient practice of sound therapy. Often used by Indigenous cultures throughout the world, sound therapy involves pulsing sounds, clapping, drumming, and singing for ceremonial, spiritual, and health purposes.
A 2020 review of the existing research concluded that there was not enough current evidence to recommend the use of singing bowl therapies. However, the authors of the study noted that there was evidence indicating that this type of treatment had some positive effects that warrant further investigation.4
While proponents suggest that Tibetan singing bowls can have a variety of positive effects such as reducing stress, lowering blood pressure, and helping with pain relief, more research is needed.
Risks and Side Effects
While using Tibetan singing bowls is generally regarded as safe, there is not a great deal of research on the possible risks and side effects of this type of treatment. People who may want to avoid singing bowl therapy include those who:
- Are prone to headaches: Some people report experiencing headaches as a result of the noise and vibrations that the singing bowls produce.
- Are pregnant: Because the effects on pregnancy are not known, you might want to avoid this type of therapy if you are currently pregnant.
- Have epilepsy: In some instances, noise and vibrations may trigger seizures.
Tibetan singing bowls are believed to promote relaxation, relieve stress, and produce other healing effects. Originating in China thousands of years ago, these bowls have become increasingly popular in other countries over the last few decades.
Purported benefits include improving sleep, reducing depression, relieving pain, and increasing immunity. However, current evidence cannot substantiate these benefits. While there appear to be some positive effects, more research is needed to determine how and when singing bowls are best used.
A Word From Verywell
Tibetan singing bowls may have some benefits, but more research is needed to support their use as a treatment for stress, anxiety, and other concerns. Some research does indicate that these singing bowls can enhance meditation and deep breathing, which may help maximize the stress-relieving benefits of those practices.
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